Hellooo well im soooo ill after yesterdays filming but it was soo funn and we had such a laugh. Me,Simmren and Sid went to Rajans house. We done like four scenes of filming and it was really cold, i rekon it was the coldest day of filming. We got to Rajans at 6.45 and finishd filming around 8 something. It toook us agesssssss just to do a few scenes, but we started off by doing the makeup which took agessss due to some people couldnt do the makeup and it didnt stay. LOL but in the end it turned out wiked and looked ugly but in a nice way LOOL! Simmren done Rajans and my makeup and sid just had a bruise and tiny bit of blood on his face. We filmed good scenes and had to do them over a few times because we kept laughing, after we finished the recording, Simmren just started filming us and we were just messing about but it was soo funny!! and embarrasing though haha! We also took alot of pictures as you can see because were so glad weve finally finished. FINALLYY!!! We would like toTHANK SID [IQBAL] FOR ALWAYS COMING TO RAJANS TO HELP US AND BEING IN OUR PRODUCTION! THANKYOU :)and we would also like to thank Rupi and Robbie for also being involved in our production! Well we havent got much left to say but were SOOOOO GLADDDDDD WE'V FINALLY FINISHED WOHOO!! but now we will have to do the editing but atleast it wont be in the cold!! :D Byeee x Haha as you can see the pictures above are the fun moments we had and things we can look back at haha!
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