Nafisa .x.
Sid had to go to footie so the boys left earlier and we stayed for a bit and done some more scenes which came out pretty good. Me and Rajan had some fake blood and makeup on our faces to look like we were injured. But i didnt even get a scene were they showed a close up on ma face so i was disappointed!! Well anyways we would like to thank Rupi for the makeup and doing our faces haha and thanks to Sid, Robbie, Sumeet and Rupi again for being in our production and helping us throughout the trailer :) Also we would like to thank Neelam for helping out!
We've nearlly completed our filming and im so glad we have and finally get onto doing the editing and then the production will be complete hehe! Im so glad we finally worked through this and sorted out our problems and now it feels like nothing even happened to begin with :)Well im off out now got things to do haha byebyeexx