Saturday, 5 April 2008

Editing !!

Hello!! well yeeahh weve nearlly finishedd editing and were soo happy and proud of our production!! everything goes so well together and we would like to thank Mr Babu and the mentors for helping us out :)

We probably come in for one day in the holidays and just check our production to see if anything is missing. We got the credit block done on friday and we might also look at different effects if they are needed. We are glad we dont have to come in much in the holidays :)

Newhooo not much to sayy buttt a bit tuu excited i think :$ im hypa on sweetiez! lool muhaahha!! toooddlllessss!!


Filming Final Day!

Hello hello!! well basicali me and simmren went filmin nearr jubilee park last week monday. It was an owkaish weather lool :$ and we got alot of different shots that we were told to do such as close ups on our faces. Long shots of us running and extreme close ups of my eye and also point of view shots!

However, we were having problems with the lighting and wernt able to film because it was too dark but in the end we got my dad to use his car headlights in order for us to film! soo it all worked out in the endd!! Soo ii would like too thank ma dadd :) He kinda told me to do so aswel haha!:$

Anywhoo that was our FINAL filming dayy and we was so glad ish finally over!! :) I shall be offf now!! tooodlezz!!

Nafisa .x.